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Isotope production featured in WBIR-TV story


Earlier this year, ISED's Dr. Susan Hogle talked to reporter Vinay Simlot of WBIR-TV, Channel 10, about how ORNL is recovering isotopes that are valuable in producing promising new treatments for cancer.

Hogle discussed how the lab is repurposing uranium-233 that was stockpiled as potential fuel for nuclear reactors in the 1950s, telling Simlot, "We were able to take a material that was otherwise slated to be disposed of in a nuclear waste repository, and recover an incredibly valuable material."

She explained the concept of targeted radiotherapy to treat tumors with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue, along with isotopes' uses in this treatment and ORNL's role in supplying them to pharmaceutical companies worldwide.

The story aired January 26. You can view it here