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Liu named ORNL's outstanding scientist

November 1, 2004 - Chain T. Liu, a senior corporate fellow of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has earned the laboratory Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Science and Technology.


Liu's award was announced during ORNL's Awards Night event, held Oct. 29 at the Knoxville Marriott.

The award recognizes Liu's research on advanced materials - both in increasing fundamental understanding of their mechanical properties and in their application to energy systems.

The ORNL researcher has been acknowledged as an international authority in the field of structural intermetallics. He has co-authored hundreds of technical publications and has served as editor of The Journal of Intermetallics, The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers and associate editor of The Materials Letters.

Liu shared the 1995 Best Paper Award from The Journal of Materials Characterization and the 1996 Paper of the Year Award from the Japan Institute of Metals.

DOE awarded Liu the 1988 E.O. Lawrence Award, which was established by the president of the United States to reward outstanding materials science research.

Liu joined ORNL in 1967 and is leader of the Alloying Behavior and Design group in the laboratory's Metals and Ceramics Division. He earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from National Taiwan University and his master's degree and doctorate in engineering and materials science from Brown University.

He and his wife, Ta-Chang, live in Oak Ridge and have two children - Evelyn and Kent.

Other Director's Awards presented Oct. 29:

Director's Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Community Service: Tim Myrick, Facilities and Operations Directorate. For leadership in the Red Cross disaster relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Isabel and for his major time and financial commitment to the Oak Ridge High School renovation and to student scholarship programs. In short, for continuing to epitomize Team UT-Battelle's goals of what employee involvement with the community is all about.

Directors Award for Outstanding Individual Accomplishment in Laboratory Operations: Ann Farrar, Networking and Computing Technologies Division. For exemplary leadership both for her group and of significant major information technology projects, which are providing a new technical framework for computer desktops at the laboratory.

Director's Award for Outstanding Team Accomplishment: Rosemary Adams, Deborah Barnes, Gail Beyersdorf, Bill Cabage, Norma Cardwell, Tina Curry, Debra Dickerson, Karen Garrett, Nancy Gray, Brenda Hackworth, Carolyn Krause, Cynthia Lundy, Marilyn McLaughlin, Fred Strohl and Ron Walli, Communications and Community Outreach Directorate, Accounting and Laboratory Protection. For their foresight and selfless teamwork in bringing the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) conference to Oak Ridge, thus providing a unique and lasting contribution to ORNL's visibility and support among the national media. The team also received a "Legacy Impact Contributions" Award.

Director's Award for Outstanding Team Accomplishment: Arthur Bland, Thomas Dunning, Al Geist, Debbie McCoy and Jeffrey Nichols, Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate Office and Computer Science and Mathematics. For the crucial contributions in assembling an extraordinary group of partners and developing a winning proposal that provides DOE's Office of Science with the nation's most powerful open resource for capability computing. The team also received a "Legacy Impact Contributions" Award.

Outstanding Accomplishment in Science and Technology

Distinguished Engineer: John T. Shaffer, Nuclear Science and Technology. For more than two decades of innovative leadership in the development and engineering of composite systems and the establishment of leading edge manufacturing techniques enabling multiple applications.

Early Career Engineering Accomplishment: Nidia C. Gallego, Metals and Ceramics. For exceptional potential for leadership in applied materials engineering and for exemplary early career accomplishments.

Engineering Development by a Team: Carlton Ray Brittain, Kim Castleberry, Alfred Fraker, R.W. Jones, David Light, Jose March-Leuba, Carl Martin, Vickie Shannon Martin, Melissa Sherrod, Taner Uckan, Kenneth Weaver and Wesley Wysor, Nuclear Science and Technology, Engineering Science and Technology, Craft Resources and Facility Management. For the design, procurement, fabrication and shipment of the Blend Down Monitoring System, which solved a critical U.S. national security concern and ensured that a vital nonproliferation objective was met.

Inventor of the Year: Stephen F. Smith, Engineering Science and Technology. For the establishment of an intellectual property portfolio which has garnered a strong position for ORNL among national laboratories and private sector R&D organizations in the area of wireless technologies.

R&D Leadership, Group Level: Sherrell Greene, Nuclear Science and Technology. For vision, creativity and leadership that has established ORNL as an R&D leader in the development and utilization of fission power reactors for the exploration of space.

R&D Leadership, Director Level: Norbert Holtkamp, SNS Accelerator Systems. For outstanding leadership of the Accelerator Systems Division - a center of excellence for accelerator science and technology.

Early Career Scientific Accomplishment: Letitia Delmau, Chemical Sciences. For exceptional research, initiative, leadership and outstanding contributions to chemical separations science and technology.

Scientific Research: Richard Norby, Environmental Sciences. For outstanding leadership in research culminating in the publication of a seminal paper in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the response of forest tree roots to elevated CO2.

Distinguished Scientist: C.T. Liu, Metals and Ceramics. For his research on advanced materials, both in increasing fundamental understanding of their mechanical properties and in their application to energy systems.

Technical Support: Ann Wymore, Gene Barker, Lori Easter, Carmen Foster, Kay Houser, Lori Ann Hughes and Marilyn Kerley, Life Sciences. For developing and optimizing the Cryopreserved Mutant Mouse Bank (CMMB) and establishing the intracytoplasmic sperm injection technique at ORNL for the recovery of mutant mice from cryopreserved sperm.

Outstanding Accomplishment in Laboratory Operations

Administrative Support, Exempt Payroll: Debbie McCoy, Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate. For personal dedication and sustained contributions in support of the laboratory's mission of making ORNL the world leader in advanced scientific computing.

Administrative Support, Nonexempt Payroll: Willena Clark Carter, Nuclear Science and Technology. For exemplary administrative support in the preparation of high-quality technical documents and for preparing SCALE 5 documentation for international release.

Bargaining Unit Support by a Team: Johnnie Norris, Robert Hackler, Mike Littleton, Facilities and Operations Directorate. For outstanding contributions and leadership during the revitalization of the M&C's high bay area, which involved the upgrade, maintenance and installation of a vast array of facilities.

Environment, Safety, Health and Quality: Kathy Carney, Karen Downer, Edith Jones, Susan Michaud and David Skipper, Environmental Protection and Waste Services, Environment, Safety, Health and Quality; and Records, Training & SBMS Services. For supporting world class science through environmental sustainability.

Integrated Safeguards and Security Management: Sheila Holbert, Nancy Holcombe, Russ Johnson, Dave Keller, Mark Logan, C.L. Nageotte, Randal Roberts, Randall Stanfield, Charlotte Townsend and John Watson, Laboratory Protection. For innovative and efficient security solutions in support of laboratory programs that have enhanced the security of laboratory personnel and research efforts while promoting a principal ORNL goal of an open laboratory campus.

Administrative and Operational Leadership, Group Level: Ann Farrar, Networking and Computing Technologies. For exemplary leadership both of her group and of significant major information technology projects which are providing a new technical framework for computer desktops at the laboratory.

Administrative and Operational Leadership, Director Level: Jimmy Stone, Facilities Management. For energized leadership of the Facilities Management Division in achieving milestones in safety, customer satisfaction, diversity and productivity.

Operations Support by a Team: Sherri Cotter, Janet Dippo, Mark Dobbs, John Drake, Bob Fehling, R.J. Forbes, Gary Fraker, John Hensley, Nancy Holcombe, Jeffrey Johnson, Martha Justice, Tony Medley, Daniel O'Connor, Mike Oliver, Steve Rose, Forrest Spears and Michael Turpin, Multiple ORNL divisions. For outstanding planning and implementation in executive personnel and laboratory moves into new facilities in the modernized East Campus.

Secretarial Support: Pam Hadley, Metals and Ceramics. For excellent organizational skills, knowledge of job responsibilities, a friendly team approach and a remarkable energy level that permits accomplishing an incredible array of tasks.

Outstanding Accomplishment in Community Service

Community Leadership: Timothy Jones, Angela Harris and Bruce Siefken, Computer Science and Mathematics and Research Reactors. For sustained and exceptional volunteerism for the last three years in the Tour de Cure event, which raised funds for and awareness of the American Diabetes Association.

Science Communicator: Jeff Muhs, Engineering Science and Technology. For extraordinary success in communicating new value propositions and societal benefits of ORNL science and technology to a broad mix of stakeholders using several media venues.

Volunteerism by an Individual Outside ORNL: Tim Myrick, Facilities and Operations Directorate. For leadership in the Red Cross Disaster Relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Isabel and for his major time and financial commitment to the Oak Ridge High School renovation, and to student scholarship programs. In short, for continuing to epitomize Team UT-Battelle's goals of what employee involvement with the community is all about.

Volunteerism by an Individual Inside ORNL: Lonna Cotter, Nuclear Science and Technology. For personal leadership of and commitment to ORNL's participation in the 2004 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to Cure Diabetes.

Volunteerism by a Team: Susie Kuliasha, Mylissa Buttram, Linda Edwards, Teresa Ferguson, Teresa Honeycutt, Debbie Hudak, Ellon Sue Human, Saylor Hummel, Deborah Knox, Lynn Kszos, Debbie McCoy, Valentina Moore, Jane Reno, Shirley Shugart, Karen Simonson, Pat Trentham, Sandy Tull and Nancy Wright, multiple divisions. For a pheonomenal team effort in planning and coordinating ORNL's first International Festival to enhance awareness of ORNL's cultural diversity while raising $3,500 for the 2003 United way campaign.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.