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ORNL's Joseph-Reel chairs International Instrumentation Symposium

Susan Joseph-Reel of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been selected general chairman of the 51st International Instrumentation Symposium. Reel, who works with the laboratory's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) project, is the first woman selected as the symposium's general chair.

The symposium, held in Knoxville, Tenn., May 9-12, 2005, will feature technical information and training in the areas of instrumentation, systems and automation.

Joseph-Reel currently serves on the Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation (ISA) Society's Test Measurement Division associate board. She worked in the aerospace industry at several NASA and U.S. Air Force test facilities before coming to the SNS in April 2002. While with NASA she received the Space Flight Awareness Award, NASA's most prestigious award given to a non-astronaut, for continued outstanding support of the space shuttle missions.

The ISA is a 33,000-member global, nonprofit, educational organization. The symposium is cosponsored by the ISA's Aerospace and Test Measurement divisions.

Joseph-Reel, a native of Roane County, Tenn., resides in Kingston with her husband, Tom, and two children.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a multiprogram laboratory managed for the Department of Energy by UT-Battelle.