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JUMP into STEM finalists to intern in building technologies at ORNL

JUMP into STEM finalists
JUMP into STEM final competition participants represented colleges from across the United States.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory will host three JUMP into STEM competition winners as building technologies interns in summer 2023.  The interns were part of four winning teams from colleges across the nation who participated in the final competition hosted in January at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. They will work with researchers on the Building Technologies Research and Integration Campus.

JUMP into STEM is among the nation’s largest building science competitions for undergraduate and graduate students at U.S. colleges and universities. A Department of Energy-funded initiative from the Building Technologies Office, it seeks to inspire the next generation of building scientists, focusing on creative ideation and diversity in the building science field.

“This competition was very successful,” said Dr. Yeonjin Bae, the JUMP into STEM lead at ORNL. “The students are exceptional. It was extremely valuable being back in person, as we built in a lot of networking opportunities among the professors, national laboratories, industry representatives, and students. It was exciting to see students from various backgrounds and different majors bringing brilliant ideas together in such an impressive fashion.”

In the first live finals since the 2019-2020 competition, the winning teams were part of the largest competition to date, with students from schools across the country, including HBCUs, participating. Winning students were offered paid 10-week summer internships at one of three participating national laboratories, ORNL, NREL and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

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